
An independent journalist, photographer and researcher capturing the dynamic stories of the African everyday for the world.

Born and raised in Zimbabwe, Tendai Marima has degrees from the University of Cape Town, South Africa and Goldsmiths College, (University of London), UK. With experience covering East and Southern Africa, Tendai has over 5 years of professional journalistic experience. From South Sudan to South Africa, she has travelled the region covering a diversity of multimedia stories for a range of international publications including Al Jazeera, Foreign Policy, NPR, the New Humanitarian, the New York Times, the Guardian and the Mail and Guardian (South Africa).

She also works as a photographer and video producer and has been commissioned by various humanitarian agencies including Action Aid (UK), All We Can (UK), UNICEF and Makmende Media.

Tendai is a member of Native Agency, Fairpicture, African Women Photograph, Women Photograph, the Everyday Projects and a founding member of Everyday Zimbabwe.

Notable Mentions:

NEWF (Nature Environment and Wildlife Filmmakers) Producers Lab, 2022 - 2023

Exhibited under Native Agency at Vogue Photo Festival, Milan, Italy 2021

Finalist Agenda 2063 African Women’s Photography Contest 2021

IWMF reporting fellow Uganda and South Sudan, 2018

International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) reporting fellow, Uganda 2016

Social Media Impacts on Conflict and Democracy, contributing author “Social Media in Zimbabwe A Toxic Tool or A Bridge to Peace?”

Tendai is available for assignments across sub-Saharan Africa.

Say hello:

Image credit: Zinyange Auntony.